BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1061alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20180121T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20180121T235900 URL: onship LOCATION:1797 Shattuck Ave a\, Berkeley\, CA 94709\, USA SUMMARY:Victory Point Store Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Join us for the 2018 Netrunner Store Championship. Registration starts at 10am\, we will start immediately at 10:30am. Bring deck lists ( FFG official [PDF] or NRDB printouts are fine).\nEntry is $10 per person\; register here. Event is limited to 32 players.\n\nChampion: The winner re ceives a Store Championship plaque and a card granting one first-round bye at a Regional Championship of the player’s choice.\nTop Four: The top f our players each receive one playmat featuring Ele "\;Smoke"\; Sco vak.\nTop Eight: The top eight players each receive one deck box featuring Ele "\;Smoke"\; Scovak.\nTop Thirty-Two: The top thirty-two playe rs each receive one Fisk Investment Seminar alternate art card.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Join us for the 2018 Netrunner Store Champi onship. Registration starts at 10am\, we will start immediately at 10:30am . Bring deck lists (FFG official [PDF] or NRDB printouts are fine).


Entry i s $10 per person\; register here. Event is limited to 32 players.




Champion: The winner receives a Store Championship plaque and a card gran ting one first-round bye at a Regional Championship of the player’s choi ce.\nTop Four: The top four players each receive one playmat featuring Ele "\;Smoke"\; Scovak.\nTop Eight: The top eight players each receiv e one deck box featuring Ele "\;Smoke"\; Scovak.\nTop Thirty-Two: The top thirty-two players each receive one Fisk Investment Seminar altern ate art card.