BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1046alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20171217T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20171217T235900 URL: eginner-friendly LOCATION:Wollankstraße 99\, 13359 Berlin\, Germany SUMMARY:Achievement Tournament #1 - beginner friendly CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:This is a special tournament format with some rare prizes. We p lay with the current MWL but to encourage deckbuilding there will be speci al achievements and prices for all players.\nThe achievements/prizes are t he following:\nmost flatlines with meat damage - boom promo card\nmost fla tlines with net damage - fetal AI click tracker\nmost dealt brain damage - brain damage token\nmost bad publicity - Weyland consortium tie clip\nmos t trashed corp cards * - anarch click tracker\nmost derezed ICE - TBA\nmos t cards installed from heap - shaper click tracker\n*includes forced trash ing with cards like MAW or Bhagat\nPlease consider that you can only quali fy for one of these achievements. If you qualify for two you can choose yo ur prize.\nAdditionally\, there will be participant prizes for all players and the android novella "\;Monitor"\; by Leigh Alexander for the winner of the tournament.\nEntry fee is 5 €. We will play 4-5 swiss roun ds and no topcut.\nThe Tournament takes place at Café KahveRengi - Wollan kstraße 99\, 13359 Berlin\, Germany.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

This is a special tournament format with so me rare prizes. We play with the current MWL but to encourage deckbuilding there will be special achievements and prices for all players.


Th e achievements/prizes are the following:


most flatlines with meat damage - boom promo card\nmost flatlines with net damage - fetal AI click tracker\nmost dealt brain damage - brain damage token\nmost bad publicity - Weyland consortium tie clip


most trashed corp cards * - anarch c lick tracker\nmost derezed ICE - TBA\nmost cards installed from heap - sha per click tracker


*includes forced trashing with cards like MAW or Bhagat


Please consider that you can only qualify for one of these achievements. If you qualify for two you can choose your prize.


A dditionally\, there will be participant prizes for all players and the and roid novella "\;Monitor"\; by Leigh Alexander for the winner of th e tournament.


Entry fee is 5 €. We will play 4-5 swiss rounds an d no topcut.


The Tournament takes place at Café KahveRengi - Woll ankstraße 99\, 13359 Berlin\, Germany.