BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1043alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20180217T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20180218T235900 URL: t-in-berlin LOCATION:Modersohnstraße 55\, 10245 Berlin\, Germany SUMMARY:Double Play Community-Event in Berlin! CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Winnner of the tournament: Adam!\nTop 3 results: 1st Adam\n2nd Klopstock\n3rd ff0x\nUpdate 16.02.18 - pub quiz tonight at Beusselstrasse 26\, 10553 Berlin begins 8:30pm\nUpdate 14.01.18 - more Prizes\nUpdate 19 .01.18 - King of Servers Team update (on bottom)\n\nDear Netrunner Communi ty\,\nThe Berlin Netrunner players are happy to announce and invite you to the THIRD community event in Berlin. This community event will be a full two-day Netrunner feast\, including a KING OF SERVERS and a Competetive Ev ent. This will be a lot fo fun!!!\nDetails:\nOn Saturday:\nRUN ON BERLIN C ITY GRID\nRegistration starts: 10 am\nFirst Round starts: 11 am\n5 to 6 ro unds of Swiss + Top 3 playoff\nEntry fee: 15 €\nPrizes:\nWinner: Small t rophy\, High valuable promos and other goodies\nTop 3: High valuable promo s und other prizes\nTop 4: Special playmat designed by Jakuza.\nTop 8: Add itional prizes like promos or other cool stuff\nEach player gets a partici pation prize.\nSpecial prize for the participant with the longest journey to the event.\nSpecial prize for the youngest participants.\nSpecial prize for the last place finisher\nRandom prizes: Each round we announce one ra ndom player or table to get some extra prizes!\nMore detailed prizes will be announced soon.\nOn Sunday:\nKING OF SERVERS (3-Player Teams)\nRegistr ation Starts: 10am\nFirst Round Starts: 11 am\nSwiss rounds based on atten dees.\nEntry Fee: 30€ per Team\, means 10€ per person.\nPrizes:\nParti cipation: ANRPC DICE\nTop 3 Teams: Medals\nTop Team: Special Designed Mat by Jakuza\nMore Prizes TBA\nEvent Organizer: Dominic "\;Dome_"\; M ilinski\nFor both tournaments: Deck lists are mandatory!\nPlayer Cap: 42! (Register on Always be running to save a spot )\nCards are allowed in any language. If you participate in both events you pay a only 20\,- € in to tal!!!\nPlease Notice the King of Server Rules:\nA Team consists of 3 play ers. A player chooses to play a Corp and a Runner faction. Players from th at team can't choose the same faction to play in this tournament.\nExample : Corp / Runner\nPlayer A: Weyland / Criminal\nPlayer B: NBN / Shape r\nPlayer C: Jinteki / Anarch\n(Note: Mini factions is faction\, too)\n Your teams will get paired by swiss. You collect Prestige during the tourn ament for you and your team. Your teamscore is important as well as your p ersonal score. You will be always paired as with someone who has the same prestige as you. So the strongest player from your team will always be pai red with the strongest player from the opponent team!\nWhy should you par ticipate?\nWe want to have a cool event. We want to have fun\, we want to play netrunner! We want to have fun on the international level. People fro m different countries come( NL\, PL\, CZ) and attend and play some cool m atches with us. We Want to have a nice evening program with beer and cockt ails\, or we try to show you a part of our city. We will make some photos\ , try to have a small coverage such as a Stream from Trace5\, if possible. What we all want to have is a great weekend with great people.\nNow it's your turn! You want a cool weekend full of netrunner? Cool prizes\, cool p eople and tons of fun? You found it! Plan your trip to Berlin\, now. We wi ll welcome you with open servers. We're looking forward for you and your c ool built decks.\nDo you have questions? Don’t hesitate to ask them!\nWe see us in Berlin on February 17th and 18th\, 2018)\nFacebok-Event\nATTENT ION: IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A TEAM FOR THE KING OF SERVERS TOURNAMENT - PLEASE CONTACT me (via Facebook or dominic(dot)milinski(at)gmx(dot)de) WE CAN WO RK SOMETHING OUT!\nHACK THE PLANET!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Winnner of the tournament: Adam!\nTop 3 res ults: 1st Adam\n2nd Klopstock\n3rd ff0x


Update 16.02.18 - pub quiz tonight at Beusselstrasse 26\, 10553 Berlin begins 8:30pm\nUpdate 14.01. 18 - more Prizes\nUpdate 19.01.18 - King of Servers Team update (on bottom )




Dear Netrunner Community\,\nThe Berlin Netrunner players are happy to announce and invite you to the THIRD community event in Berl in. This community event will be a full two-day Netrunner feast\, includin g a KING OF SERVERS and a Competetive Event. This will be a lot fo fun!!!\ nDetails:


On Saturday:




Reg istration starts: 10 am\nFirst Round starts: 11 am\n5 to 6 rounds of Swiss + Top 3 playoff\nEntry fee: 15 €\nPrizes:\nWinner: Small trophy\, High valuable promos and other goodies\nTop 3: High valuable promos und other p rizes\nTop 4: Special playmat designed by Jakuza.\nTop 8: Additional prize s like promos or other cool stuff\nEach player gets a participation prize. \nSpecial prize for the participant with the longest journey to the event. \nSpecial prize for the youngest participants.\nSpecial prize for the last place finisher\nRandom prizes: Each round we announce one random player o r table to get some extra prizes!\nMore detailed prizes will be announced soon.


On Sunday:


KING OF SERVERS (3-Player Teams)\nRegistration Starts: 10am\nF irst Round Starts: 11 am\nSwiss rounds based on attendees.\nEntry Fee: 30 € per Team\, means 10€ per person.\nPrizes:\nParticipation: ANRPC DICE \nTop 3 Teams: Medals\nTop Team: Special Designed Mat by Jakuza\nMore Priz es TBA


Event Organizer: Dominic "\;Dome_"\; Milinski\nFor both tournaments: Deck lists are mandatory!\nPlayer Cap: 42! (Register on Always be running to save a spot )


Cards are allowed in any langua ge. If you participate in both events you pay a only 20\,- € in total!!!


Please Notice the King of Server Rules:\nA Team consists of 3 pla yers. A player chooses to play a Corp and a Runner faction. Players from t hat team can't choose the same faction to play in this tournament.\nExampl e: Corp / Runner\nPlayer A: Weyland / Criminal\nPlayer B: NBN / Shap er\nPlayer C: Jinteki / Anarch\n(Note: Mini factions is faction\, too)< /p>\n

Your teams will get paired by swiss. You collect Prestige during t he tournament for you and your team. Your teamscore is important as well a s your personal score. You will be always paired as with someone who has t he same prestige as you. So the strongest player from your team will alway s be paired with the strongest player from the opponent team!


Why should you participate?\nWe want to have a cool event. We want to have fu n\, we want to play netrunner! We want to have fun on the international le vel. People from different countries come( NL\, PL\, CZ) and attend and p lay some cool matches with us. We Want to have a nice evening program with beer and cocktails\, or we try to show you a part of our city. We will ma ke some photos\, try to have a small coverage such as a Stream from Trace5 \, if possible. What we all want to have is a great weekend with great peo ple.\nNow it's your turn! You want a cool weekend full of netrunner? Cool prizes\, cool people and tons of fun? You found it! Plan your trip to Berl in\, now. We will welcome you with open servers. We're looking forward for you and your cool built decks.\nDo you have questions? Don’t hesitate t o ask them!\nWe see us in Berlin on February 17th and 18th\, 2018)




