BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1012alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20180127T180000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20180127T235900 URL: pionship LOCATION:105 High Rd\, Beeston\, Nottingham NG9 2LH\, UK SUMMARY:Nottingham 2018 Store Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nReady to run? Book ASAP to be a part of the fun!\nStore Champ ionship Organised Play Kit:\nChampion: The winner receives a Store Champio nship Colour plaque and a card granting one first-round bye at a Regional Championship of the player’s choice.\nTop Two: The top two players each receive Acrylic Tokens.\nTop Four: The top four players each receive one p laymat.\nTop Eight: The top eight players each receive one deck box\nTop T hirty-Two: The top thirty-two players each receive one alternate art card. \nPlus Additional store credit dependant on turnout.\nStore Championships kick off FFG Organized Play at the start of each year in a big way. Hundre ds of events are run around the world at participating retailers from Janu ary 1st through March 31st. Store Championships are local\, competitive ev ents and are a great opportunity to experience playing your favourite game in a competitive setting. Overall\, a Store Championship is a great way t o join your community and win exclusive prizes.\nChampionship events are a series of events that start on a local scale (Store Championships) and gr ow all the way into the pinnacle of international play (World Championship s) over the course of each year. With each successive event the competitio n becomes fiercer\, the prize pool becomes larger\, and the tournaments be come bigger. Store Championships are the event that kicks it all off!\nFea tures\nEntry: £10\nOur Netrunner Store Championship enable you to play co mpetitively and earn exclusive prizes. Meet new people - all in a relaxed atmosphere.\nBook your ticket here: nthly-FFG-Organised-Play/Netrunner-LCG-January-2018-Store-Championship/\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Ready to run? Book ASAP to be a part of the fun!
\nS tore Championship Organised Play Kit:
\nChampion: The winner receive s a Store Championship Colour plaque and a card granting one first-round b ye at a Regional Championship of the player’s choice.\nTop Two: The top two players each receive Acrylic Tokens.\nTop Four: The top four players e ach receive one playmat.\nTop Eight: The top eight players each receive on e deck box\nTop Thirty-Two: The top thirty-two players each receive one al ternate art card.
\nPlus Additional store credit dependant on turnou t.
\nStore Championships kick off FFG Organized Play at the start of each year in a big way. Hundreds of events are run around the world at pa rticipating retailers from January 1st through March 31st. Store Champions hips are local\, competitive events and are a great opportunity to experie nce playing your favourite game in a competitive setting. Overall\, a Stor e Championship is a great way to join your community and win exclusive pri zes.
\nChampionship events are a series of events that start on a lo cal scale (Store Championships) and grow all the way into the pinnacle of international play (World Championships) over the course of each year. Wit h each successive event the competition becomes fiercer\, the prize pool b ecomes larger\, and the tournaments become bigger. Store Championships are the event that kicks it all off!
\nFeatures\nEntry: £10
\nOu r Netrunner Store Championship enable you to play competitively and earn e xclusive prizes. Meet new people - all in a relaxed atmosphere.
\nBo ok your ticket here: ised-Play/Netrunner-LCG-January-2018-Store-Championship/