BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1011alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20180120T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20180120T235900 URL: LOCATION:9 St Gregorys Alley\, Norwich NR2 1ER\, UK SUMMARY:Norwich Store Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nFormat: Standard\nStructure: Swiss Rounds\, Top Cut\nEntry Fe e: £10\nDate: Saturday 20th January\nDecklist Registration E-mail: contac\nRegistration Closes: 10:20 am.\nRound 1: 10:30 am.\nT ournament season has begun\, and Netrunner is one of the first few store c hampionships Athena Games will be running. This is the first step on the r oad to worlds 2018\, do you have what it takes to hack your way to the ult imate prize? Good luck to you\, runner.\nFormat:\nA Swiss Tournament consi sting of 65-minute rounds. Number of rounds depends on the number of parti cipants. After the swiss will be a top cut of players who will then play e ach other in double elimination rounds of 40 minutes. The final will be a 1-hour elimination round.\nThe number of swiss rounds will be determined b y the number of players we have in attendance:\n4-8: 3 Rounds\, No Top Cut \n9-24: 4 Rounds\, Top 4 Cut\n25-32: 5 Rounds\, Top 8 Cut\nHowever\, below you can see an estimated schedule of the day based on 25-32 players turni ng up. This is only an estimated schedule based on all rounds going to tim e and with 15 minutes grace period allowed in between swiss rounds\, and 5 minutes in between top cut rounds.\n10:00 – Doors Open\, Registration S tarts\n10:25– Registration Closes\, Play Briefing\n10:30 – Round 1 Beg ins\n11:50 – Round 2 Begins\n13:10 – Round 3 Begins\n14:30 – Round 4 Begins\n15:35 – Hand out non-top cut prizes. Small break.\n16:15 – To p Cut: Round 1\n17:00 – Top Cut: Round 2\n17:45 – Top Cut: Round 3\n18 :30 – Top Cut: Round 4\n19:15 – Top Cut: Round 5\n20:00 – Top Cut: R ound 6\n20:45 – Top Cut: Round 7 (if necessary)\n21:45 – Final prizes handed out. Tournament End\nThis tournament will use the standard tourname nt rules for Android: Netrunner. Please make sure you are up to date on th e rules of the game and have read the latest FAQ and tournament document.\ nTournament Document: ic/15/63/156393d7-e8ea-4e22-bfeb-321d79da830c/adn_tournament_regulations_v 221.pdf\nFAQ: /890bd1f2-8365-41cd-a00a-7cbaa8a060dc/adn_faq_40.pdf\nMost Wanted List: ht tps:// 82f-b01d-b6f102584d7b/adn_mwl_v20.pdf\nDecklists will be required for this event\, to be submitted at registration. You may e-mail decklists to cont\nPrize Support\nTBA\nTravel\, Parking\, and Accommod ation\nAthena Games can be found at 9 St. Gregory's Alley\, NR2 1ER.\nThe store is located in Norwich's city centre and is 15 minutes away from the train station on foot. Norwich's train station offers lines between Norwic h\, and major cities such as London\, Liverpool\, Peterborough and Cambrid ge.\nIf you are travelling by car\, St. Andrews Car Park\, and St. Giles M ulti Storey Car Park are only 5 minutes away by foot and offer very compet itive prices. You can find more information on those two car parks here:\n St. Andrews Car Park: drews_multi-storey_car_park_nr3_3at\nSt. Giles Multi Storey Car Park: http s:// _nr2_1jl\nLooking to stay the night? There is a Premier Inn just 5 minutes away on Duke Street.\n\nFood &\; Drink\nAthena Games offer snacks and drinks in our store at a reasonable price. However\, if you are looking to get something more substantial to eat\, you are in luck as we are in a pr ime area of Norwich that plays hosts to many cafés\, restaurants\, and ev en pubs. Not only that\, we have the best Fish &\; Chip shop in all of Norfolk on our very doorstep\, Grosvenor Fish Bar.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Format: Standard\nStructure: Swiss Rounds\, Top Cut\nEntry Fee: £10\nDate: Saturday 20th January\nDecklist Registration E-mail: con\nRegistration Closes: 10:20 am.\nRound 1: 10:30 am.
\nTournament season has begun\, and Netrunner is one of the first f ew store championships Athena Games will be running. This is the first ste p on the road to worlds 2018\, do you have what it takes to hack your way to the ultimate prize? Good luck to you\, runner.
\nFormat:\nA Swiss Tournament consisting of 65-minute rounds. Number of rounds depends on th e number of participants. After the swiss will be a top cut of players who will then play each other in double elimination rounds of 40 minutes. The final will be a 1-hour elimination round.
\nThe number of swiss rou nds will be determined by the number of players we have in attendance:\n4- 8: 3 Rounds\, No Top Cut\n9-24: 4 Rounds\, Top 4 Cut\n25-32: 5 Rounds\, To p 8 Cut
\nHowever\, below you can see an estimated schedule of the d ay based on 25-32 players turning up. This is only an estimated schedule b ased on all rounds going to time and with 15 minutes grace period allowed in between swiss rounds\, and 5 minutes in between top cut rounds.
\n10:00 – Doors Open\, Registration Starts\n10:25– Registration Closes\ , Play Briefing\n10:30 – Round 1 Begins\n11:50 – Round 2 Begins\n13:10 – Round 3 Begins\n14:30 – Round 4 Begins\n15:35 – Hand out non-top cut prizes. Small break.\n16:15 – Top Cut: Round 1\n17:00 – Top Cut: R ound 2\n17:45 – Top Cut: Round 3\n18:30 – Top Cut: Round 4\n19:15 – Top Cut: Round 5\n20:00 – Top Cut: Round 6\n20:45 – Top Cut: Round 7 ( if necessary)\n21:45 – Final prizes handed out. Tournament End
\nT his tournament will use the standard tournament rules for Android: Netrunn er. Please make sure you are up to date on the rules of the game and have read the latest FAQ and tournament document.
\nTournament Document: -4e22-bfeb-321d79da830c/adn_tournament_regulations_v221.pdf
\nFAQ: h ttps:// 41cd-a00a-7cbaa8a060dc/adn_faq_40.pdf
\nMost Wanted List: https://im -b6f102584d7b/adn_mwl_v20.pdf
\nDecklists will be required for this event\, to be submitted at registration. You may e-mail decklists to conta
\nTravel\, Parking \, and Accommodation
\nAthena Games can be found at 9 St. Gregory's Alley\, NR2 1ER.
\nThe store is located in Norwich's city centre and is 15 minutes away from the train station on foot. Norwich's train statio n offers lines between Norwich\, and major cities such as London\, Liverpo ol\, Peterborough and Cambridge.
\nIf you are travelling by car\, St . Andrews Car Park\, and St. Giles Multi Storey Car Park are only 5 minute s away by foot and offer very competitive prices. You can find more inform ation on those two car parks here:
\nSt. Andrews Car Park:https://ww _3at
\nSt. Giles Multi Storey Car Park: irectory_record/850/st_giles_multi-storey_car_park_nr2_1jl
\nLooking to stay the night? There is a Premier Inn just 5 minutes away on Duke Str eet.
\nFood &\; Drink
\nAthena Games offer snacks a nd drinks in our store at a reasonable price. However\, if you are looking to get something more substantial to eat\, you are in luck as we are in a prime area of Norwich that plays hosts to many cafés\, restaurants\, and even pubs. Not only that\, we have the best Fish &\; Chip shop in all of Norfolk on our very doorstep\, Grosvenor Fish Bar.