BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1006alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20171206T183000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20171206T235900 URL: -gnk LOCATION:2nd Floor\, 60 Dace Road\, London E3 2NQ\, UK SUMMARY:Android: Netrunner Mid-Week GNK CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nThis event is now full! If you wish to be notified if a place opens up then leave a comment or drop us a message\nRegistration/ Start: 18.30/ 19.00\nEntry: £5\nStructure: 3 x 65min Swiss Rounds\nPrizes: Q4kit Prizes/ Promos\nExtra Info: Each player must build one Runner and one Cor p deck to use in a tournament. Each deck must contain one identity card an d the minimum number of cards dictated by that identity. There is no maxim um size. However\, players must be able to shuffle their deck without assi stance and within a reasonable amount of time. Players must use the same R unner deck and Corp deck for the duration of the tournament. Decks must co nform to with the “NAPD Most Wanted List.” Deck lists are not required for this event.\n"\;Hey\, listen\, I'm not asking you to do anything dangerous. Just let me into the building. And tell me which room has the w eakest security. And please don't say 'the bathroom' again."\;\nTravel Info: The nearest stations are Hackney Wick Overground and Pudding Mill L ane DLR (10 minutes walk). You can also get here from Stratford station by crossing the Olympic Park (20 minutes walk)\, we are located the othersid e of the West Ham Stadium on the River Lea. Check the photos section of ou r page for maps showing directions from the nearest stations. Roadside par king is available from 7.30pm and all day on Sunday. Food and drink is ava ilable to purchase on site. Unfortunately there is no disabled access at t his time.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
This event is now full! If you wish to be notified if a p lace opens up then leave a comment or drop us a message
\nRegis tration/ Start: 18.30/ 19.00\nEntry: £5\nStructure: 3 x 65min Swiss Round s\nPrizes: Q4kit Prizes/ Promos\nExtra Info: Each player must build one Ru nner and one Corp deck to use in a tournament. Each deck must contain one identity card and the minimum number of cards dictated by that identity. T here is no maximum size. However\, players must be able to shuffle their d eck without assistance and within a reasonable amount of time. Players mus t use the same Runner deck and Corp deck for the duration of the tournamen t. Decks must conform to with the “NAPD Most Wanted List.” Deck lists are not required for this event.
\n"\;Hey\, listen\, I'm not ask ing you to do anything dangerous. Just let me into the building. And tell me which room has the weakest security. And please don't say 'the bathroom ' again."\;
\nTravel Info: The nearest stations are Hackney Wick Overground and Pudding Mill Lane DLR (10 minutes walk). You can also get here from Stratford station by crossing the Olympic Park (20 minutes walk) \, we are located the otherside of the West Ham Stadium on the River Lea. Check the photos section of our page for maps showing directions from the nearest stations. Roadside parking is available from 7.30pm and all day on Sunday. Food and drink is available to purchase on site. Unfortunately th ere is no disabled access at this time.