BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1004alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20171205T183000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20171205T235900 URL: ion-box-tournament LOCATION:9 St Gregorys Alley\, Norwich NR2 1ER\, UK SUMMARY:Netrunner Christmas Selection Box Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nNetrunner Christmas Selection Box Tournament\nEntry Fee: £3 (£2 if 8 or more players)\nPrizes: Datapack of your choice\, click tracke r &\; chocolate\nDate: December 5th 2017\nStart Time: 6:30pm (earlier s tart time due to Athena closing time)\nFormat: 3 rounds of swiss\nHow it w orks:\nThis a team tournament based on a selection box of IDs.\nBoth teams will have access to same set of IDs at the start of the tournament (one f or each player for each round).\nEach ID can only be played once. Teams mu st decide who will play which ID for the round\, before each round starts. \nFor deck building purposes any currently legal 45/15 decks are legal\, t his can be from any faction. You will not need an ID.\nAll currently legal cards will be legal (good quality proxies allowed)\nCurrent MWL will appl y.\nAt the end of the 3 rounds all players will receive normal tournament prestige points.\nThe team with the most points wins.\nThe highest scorer from each team will get first choice of datapack or click tracker.\nAll th e winning team will receive a prize.\nTies will be split on a Versus then Strength of Schedule basis.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:


Netrunner Christmas Selection Box Tournament\nEntry Fee: £3 (£2 i f 8 or more players)\nPrizes: Datapack of your choice\, click tracker & \; chocolate\nDate: December 5th 2017\nStart Time: 6:30pm (earlier start t ime due to Athena closing time)\nFormat: 3 rounds of swiss


How it works:


This a team tournament based on a selection box of IDs.\nBo th teams will have access to same set of IDs at the start of the tournamen t (one for each player for each round).\nEach ID can only be played once. Teams must decide who will play which ID for the round\, before each round starts.


For deck building purposes any currently legal 45/15 deck s are legal\, this can be from any faction. You will not need an ID.


All currently legal cards will be legal (good quality proxies allowed)\ nCurrent MWL will apply.


At the end of the 3 rounds all players wi ll receive normal tournament prestige points.\nThe team with the most poin ts wins.


The highest scorer from each team will get first choice o f datapack or click tracker.\nAll the winning team will receive a prize.\n

Ties will be split on a Versus then Strength of Schedule basis.