Canada, Laval

Facebook event

Legal cardpool up to: Free Mars
MWL: unknown
Format: standard

decklist is mandatory!

Tournament starts: 10:00 (local time)
Store/venue: Bd Cosmos
Address: 1884 Bd St Martin O, Laval, QC H7S 1M9, Canada
Contact: Julien Vasquez, (450) 934-3922

runner IDs
corp IDs
runner factions
corp factions
runner IDs
corp IDs
runner factions
corp factions
event QR code

Welcome to the return of Android: Netrunner Regionals at BD Cosmos!

Registration: 10AM – 10:45AM
Start time: 11:00AM
Cost: 20$/player

Judge: Julien Vazquez

Swiss Advanced Rounds + Top Cut
FORMAL Tier Event
Tournament rules doc + MWL:



Blank Decklist Sheet:

Round length: 65 Minutes

Prizes: Can be viewed here -
Coming soon!

You may submit your decklist early to up to 5 minutes before the tournament start (so that I may print it out).

Decklist sheets will be available to fill out in store, or you may submit your own filled out decklist at the event. Blank decklist sheet link is above.

Please make sure to write down a decklist that includes the following:

  1. A Legal Corp Deck
  2. A Legal Runner Deck
  3. The identity for both decks
  4. Highlight or mark which cards are on the MWL

As per precendent, Game Losses are given out for incorrect/illegal decklists.

Store Hours: 10AM to 10PM. The store WILL NOT CLOSE until the event is over. You won’t be kicked out.

Players with RD1 Bye:
Players who have a bye must submit their deck lists ahead of time and are expected to be in attendance before the beginning of Round 2.
You are not required to prepay, but you must let me know that you will be arriving between round 1 and 2 and I will register you. If Round 2 begins and you aren't in attendance, you will be dropped.
Since the round may begin early or late, there is no set time for when that round begins.

Q: How much space does the store have?
A: We can easily fit 64 players and squeeze in 80+ should there be a need.
Q: Expected attendance?
A: 40+ Players as last year.
Q: Will there be filming or live streaming?
A: I'd like there to be!! If someone will volunteer, I would be happy to see it.
Q: Lunch Break?
A: Yes, between round 2 and 3. 35 Minutes.
Q: Food options?
A: We have a catering service that offers high quality sandwiches. There’s a Tim Horton’s and a Harvey’s across the street. There’s also a McDonalds and an A&W nearby. You can NOT bring in junk food into the store.
Q: A Norm Weir Question: Pizzas or Calzones?
A: Calzones. Just not inside the store. Unless it's cold. Then that's fine. Because it's a sandwich at that point.
Q: ANOTHER Norm Weir Question: Is there a bathroom IN the store?
A: There is not one IN the store. But the building does have access to a men and women's bathroom which is easily accessible through the store.
Q: Air Conditioning?
Q: Which tournament software?
A: FFG’s Tome. This affects how Byes are calculated within FFG’s structure.
Q: Do you have the regional kit?
A: Coming Soon!
Q: I have a question that isn’t in this list, what do I do?
A: Ask us in the comments! We’ll add it to the list.

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Login via NetrunnerDB to add photos or videos.
Number of players: 31
Top cut players: 8

Login via NetrunnerDB to claim spot.

Top cut
rank player corp runner
#1 Vikk IG49 Good stuff
#2 Roberto "azkiel" Linteau ETF Moon Lockdown Andy/Aneas
#3 Dominic Rouiller Personal Evolution Whizzard
#4 Sungho Lee Building a Better World Whizzard
#5 Dien Tran Personal Evolution Whizzard
#6 Yanik Richard Personal Evolution Andromeda
#7 Gregor Terril Personal Evolution Andromeda
#8 Wayne Radford Making News Andromeda

Swiss rounds
rank player corp runner
#1 Vikk IG49 Good stuff
#2 Roberto "azkiel" Linteau ETF Moon Lockdown Andy/Aneas
#3 Dien Tran Personal Evolution Whizzard
#4 Dominic Rouiller Personal Evolution Whizzard
#5 Sungho Lee Building a Better World Whizzard
#6 Yanik Richard Personal Evolution Andromeda
#7 Wayne Radford Making News Andromeda
#8 Gregor Terril Personal Evolution Andromeda
#9 Eric George Making News Whizzard
#10 Andrej Gomizelj Building a Better World Andromeda
#11 Maxime Bell Engineering the Future Andromeda
#12 Keyren Argus Security Ken "Express" Tenma
#13 is44ru Moonlight Siphon Whizz Dlr
#14 Hany Hebisha Making News Kit
#15 Daniel Martel Aginrusion (Regionals) Whizz (Regionals)
#16 Frogblast HB sucks pass it on (1st, Toronto Regionals 22/07/17) SIFR WHIZZ
#17 Remi Graton Personal Evolution Kit
#18 Arter Titan FA v2.4 Poutine v1.1
#19 Marc-Andr Building a Better World Andromeda
#20 Nadim Boukhira Building a Better World Andromeda
#21 Axel Ouellette Building a Better World Kit
#22 Loic Ouellette Making News Armand "Geist" Walker
#23 Alex Marsh Building a Better World Andromeda
#24 Dany Simard Building a Better World Whizzard
#25 Robert Wood Personal Evolution Kit
#26 Alain Ducharme Engineering the Future Whizzard
#27 Simon Laperle Personal Evolution Kit
#28 Cory Sheperdson Building a Better World Andromeda
#29 Maxime McGoogan Personal Evolution Whizzard
#30 whiterabbit Invasion From Mars (Hyperspace edition 1.3.1) The Last Tango
#31 Matthew Genser Engineering the Future Andromeda

Players going (9)